How to play:
- Sign up/Sign in to The Fuzzy using your email or social media (see all social media options on login)
- Snap a pic/video.
- Post it to FB, Twitter, or Instagram with the hastags #tfpfest + #hastag next to item. (EX. #tfpfest #dancer) Check off or screenshot tasks to earn points.
- Redeem prize at TFP FEST or in-store!
Something gold |
Something silver |
Something copper |
Something white |
Something cream |
Something peach |
Something salmon |
Something pink |
Something red |
Something burgundy |
Something orange |
Something yellow |
Something mustard |
Something lime |
Something chartreuse |
Something mint |
Something seafoam green |
Something teal |
Something blue |
Something navy blue |
Something lavender |
Something indigo |
Something brown |
Something tan |
Something black |
Something with polka dots |
Something with stripes |
Something with spots |
Something with flowers |
Something happy |
Something fun |
Something moving |
Something staying still |
Something decorated |
pineapples | ||||||||||||||
pineapple hat | ||||||||||||||
balloons | ||||||||||||||
people dancing | ||||||||||||||
A singer | ||||||||||||||
A dancer | ||||||||||||||
A poet | ||||||||||||||
you participating in an art contest | ||||||||||||||
you engaging in an activity board | ||||||||||||||
tie dye | ||||||||||||||
a painted person | ||||||||||||||
food with pineapple in it | ||||||||||||||
pineapple with glasses | ||||||||||||||
artists supporting artists | ||||||||||||||
good food | ||||||||||||||
hot food | ||||||||||||||
cold food | ||||||||||||||
soap | ||||||||||||||
pillow | ||||||||||||||
someone smelling soap | ||||||||||||||
ice cream | ||||||||||||||
candy bar | ||||||||||||||
popsicle | ||||||||||||||
cookie | ||||||||||||||
cake | ||||||||||||||
pineapple | ||||||||||||||
pineapple cup | ||||||||||||||
someone eating popcorn | ||||||||||||||
snow cones | ||||||||||||||
someone you just met | ||||||||||||||
you drawing someone | ||||||||||||||
you playing a game | ||||||||||||||
giant letters | ||||||||||||||
body art | ||||||||||||||
you taking a picture
pearls | ||||||||||
soap | ||||||||||
jewelry | ||||||||||
pink hair | ||||||||||
blue hair | ||||||||||
green hair | ||||||||||
you making art | ||||||||||
giant food | ||||||||||
giant flowers | ||||||||||
you making installation art | ||||||||||
you making watercolor | ||||||||||
giant pineapple | ||||||||||
glitter | ||||||||||
people holding hands | ||||||||||
a cute pet | ||||||||||
marshmellows | ||||||||||
you making a purchase | ||||||||||
the fuzzy pineapple | ||||||||||
painted fruit | ||||||||||
string art | ||||||||||
A painting | ||||||||||
A drawing | ||||||||||
a sculpture | ||||||||||
a pillow | ||||||||||
an orange | ||||||||||
happy artist | ||||||||||
short film | ||||||||||
people lounging | ||||||||||
people on a blanket | ||||||||||
cool tent | ||||||||||
cool table | ||||||||||
desk | ||||||||||
you taking a funny photo | ||||||||||
swings | ||||||||||
food you’re eating
pink tape | |||||||||||
caution tape | |||||||||||
people making purchases | |||||||||||
cute kid | |||||||||||
cute baby | |||||||||||
face paint | |||||||||||
cool hat | |||||||||||
hotdog | |||||||||||
mac and cheese | |||||||||||
backpack | |||||||||||
decorated tree | |||||||||||
photography | |||||||||||
photographer | |||||||||||
photograph | |||||||||||
business card | |||||||||||
someone smiling | |||||||||||
bubbles | |||||||||||
necklace | |||||||||||
bracelet | |||||||||||
candle | |||||||||||
smoothie | |||||||||||
pina colada | |||||||||||
water | |||||||||||
sketches | |||||||||||
doodle | |||||||||||
truck | |||||||||||
minivan | |||||||||||
bicycle | |||||||||||
gate | |||||||||||
glamour shot | |||||||||||
someone younger than you | |||||||||||
someone older than you | |||||||||||
3 people jumping in mid air | |||||||||||
shopping bags | |||||||||||
someone with their hands up | |||||||||||